I thought people might be interested in who views my blog. I think watching the statistics is fascinating, personally. My own page-views aren't counted - blogger knows not to count this computer.
My viewers mostly come from the US, but I also have had views from Russia, Spain, Germany, the UK, Latvia, Italy, Venezuela, Belgium, Ireland, and Mexico (plus more, but if it was only 1 page view, the count goes away after other countries overtake it).
Firefox wins the browser battle with 34%, followed by Chrome at 27%, and then (unfortunately) by Internet Explorer at 25%. There's a major drop to the next browser, Safari, at 4%. I even had 2 views from Netscape 8. Dear lord.
Windows (yay!) wins at a whopping 82%, followed by Mac at 7%. Android comes next, followed by Linux, both at about 4% (I know whenever my dad has viewed my blog from his desktop computer...). iPhone views come in at less than 1%, but I think that was me, looking at my blog from my iPad before I realized it counted as views.
My first month having my blog I had 4 times the amount of views I had last month. I wrote almost every other day, at least twice a week, and I write a lot less now. I posted 12 times in January, 8 in February, 6 in March, and 3 in April. My excuse is, that at the beginning, I had to talk about everything, and now at the end I only talk about new things I do and see. My viewership has steadily declined every month, as has my writing. I'm hoping to get in a bunch more entries this month, though I probably won't finish writing until June.
Hopefully this wasn't too boring for you! I just thought people might be interested. If not, pardon the interruption from the normal posts!
I love your blog--can't wait to see you Rita! Love, Mommy