Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Aventuras Naturales

Nature adventures with Mabel!  My host mom and I have been doing a lot of walking lately, even though the weather hasn't been stellar.  We went for a walk along a river really close to Oviedo last week, the pollen was KILLER (also, my battery died about half way through our walk :( ).  And on Sunday, we essentially climbed a mountain.  Unfortunately, since the sky was grey, the pictures didn't really turn out so great, but it was still pretty cool.  Climbing the mountain was super muddy and there was lots of goat poo everywhere.  The path wove around the sides of the mountains, only enough room to go single file or pass someone going the other direction.  One step too close to the edge and it was a sheer drop down I don't know how many meters.  Oh, and then we went to see some osos (bears)!

Scary bridge that moved when we walked across!

And from the hike:

I just wish the sun would come out, ya know?  These pictures would have been so much better in sunlight.  Sigh.

Y un oso:

I have one more week in Oviedo.  This fact has not really set in.  Mary and I bought some bus tickets yesterday for getting from Nerja to Granada at the end of our Andalucía trip, and we will probably buy tickets to Sevilla soon.  I'm so excited to see my parents!  One more week and then we meet up in Granada :).  Today is finally sunny :D :D :D  Too bad I have two finals tomorrow.  It shouldn't be too bad, I took the easiest final of my life yesterday - 20 multiple-choice questions.  I just need to study for History.

The sun just went behind the clouds, but hopefully it comes back.  I know I'm not going to miss it, though, when it's 90 degrees in Southern Spain next week ;).


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